The services we offer are shown in the table:

Download Speed Upload Speed Monthly Charge
25 Mbit/s 5 Mbit/s £36
50 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s £51
75 Mbit/s 30 Mbit/s £66

All prices include VAT

Note that not all our connections are able to support 50 Mbit/s or 75 Mbit/s.

There are no usage limits and you get a static, public, IPv4 address.

Our services are provided for a minimum period of one year. After the first year the service may be cancelled by giving one month's notice.

There is a service activation fee, which will be between £54 and £200 (including VAT), depending on the complexity of the installation work. The amount of the service activation fee will be advised after the survey and before any work is started. A suitable router is necessary; we can supply one for about £25 (including VAT). Some customers may already have a router which can do the job, in which case we are happy to configure it to suit our network requirements..

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